Monday, October 31, 2005

I love Halloween

I don't think there is anything better in the world than having your kids go door to door begging for a sugar high.

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We hit the jackpot in our new neighborhood. We only hit one block of one street and we had overfilling bags of mostly chocolate, no cheap stuff for us.

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Pirate Bird let us carry her for the first half, then she caught on and insisted on running from door to door of her own volition. If you tried to pick her up she clutched her bad to her chest and screamed "mine, mine" at the top of her lungs. Hands off her candy or the Pirate will resort to drastic measures.

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Meaty was so excited to be "Mr. Credible." When trick or treating he wouldn't look anyone in the eye, and half the time wouldn't stick his bag out. When he was coaxed into saying "thank you" he said it very quietly in his low grown-up voice.

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Pork Chop was just the pretty princess. She told every single house that I made her dress. Unfortunately she ripped out the hem at the party on Saturday but I didn't find out until ten minutes before trick or treating. Good old safety pins can cure all kinds of ills.

All in all we had a great time. After we sugared them up we took them to Wal-Mart and let them run around the mostly empty store. Then we took them home and put them to bed with no fuss. What a great night.

And just because it's cute here's Squeaky in her Halloween costume

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I made this sweater for her when my Sister was still pregnant with her. What can be cuter than a child dressed as a bee?

Tomorrow I take my Mom for chemo. She is also having a battery of test done to check the progress of her chemo, so I should have plenty of time to finish my Socktober Socks. Only one day late.


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    I love Halloween, too. Nothing like sugar mood swings to make your day fun! ;) It looks like you and your kids had a great time. That's an addorable sweater!

  2. They are all soooo cute! Sounds like a blast! Love the bee sweater...that's really adorable.

    Hope your mom is making progress - I've been thinking about you guys.

    And since it looks like you haven't been tagged yet, I'm tagging you for the knitting meme! Questions are on my blog.

  3. Your kids are SO adorable!! You did an incredible job on the costumes, too. The bee sweater is too cute! Hoping all is well with your mom and that today goes well.
