Friday, June 02, 2006


My children never cease to amaze me with their thought processes. I'm amazed by what they think, and why they think it. How they can rationalize coloring on the walls, or painting the cat with nail polish. I'm sure the fun factor must be high for some of these things and sometimes I almost wish I could join them in their deviant behavior.

But I will never understand what led to this yesterday.

Meaty was laying beside me on the couch. He was naked because as he put it "I wanted to be naked." Ok, not a big deal. He can run around the house naked, he's still little, and he's housebroken. He's still got that cute, chunky toddler butt.

So we're laying there, I'm on the phone, he's watching tv. Then he suddenly jumps up, grabs his pee-nee, and declares "I'm going to pee on the dog."

He proceeds to chase the dog with his pee-nee.

For the record he didn't pee on the dog, but I have to wonder why he wanted to. What thought process in his little mind led him to the conclusion that this would be a good time to pee on the dog.

I love my kids.


  1. Too funny! That's the best part of when kids learn to talk - you start to hear all the weirdness that's going on in their minds - and kids are weird - but gotta love 'em!

  2. I could just picture meaty doing that. It makes me smile. I just love him and his nudiness.

  3. This is funny! LOL
    My son did the same thing today but he wanted to pee in the kitchen... What is going through those little heads, huh?
