Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Let Me Distract You With The Cute!


I got gauge and will be knitting my great big Knit Picks project with my regular old Addi Turbos instead of my beautiful new Caspian Needles.

Let us all observe a moment of silence in respect for my deep soul crushing disappointment.

Yes I am aware of how much this is a first world problem.

To cheer us up let's have some Baby Knits!

You know how I loves me some baby pants!

Just check out that cute little knit covered bum.

It almost makes me want to cloth diaper so she can wear nothing but longies all the time.


I love everything about these pants, including the cute bow.

The pattern is Bulky Weight Longies knit in an unknown acrylic yarn.  I choose to use a rolled cuff at the bottom of the legs.

Newborn size pants, and at eight weeks she still has plenty of room to grow.  These pants were meant to be a companion piece to Squishy's very first Weasley Sweater.

I knit her a "New Babeh" sweater, which features a rolled hem at the neck and sleeves.

Only my unknown yarn that feels like it could be cotton didn't really want to roll.  This is a first for me.  I've never known stockinette stitch that didn't want to roll.  Instead this sweater wants to eat my babeh.

Don't worry.  Squishy can hold her own against the hungry hungry sweater.

She will eat it before it has a chance to devour her.

Someday I will sit and tack down the neck for the safety of my child

(See how sick of my amateur photography Squishy is.  Only eight weeks old.  I hate to break it to her, but she's in for a lifetime of my shutter snapping.)

I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to fix the collar before she out grows the sweater.

*cue hysterical laughter*

Until then, safety pins will have to do.


  1. Consider me distracted...that is alot of cuteness!

  2. She's so SERIOUS! What a cutie. That round belly just makes me want to squeeze her. Obsessed with babies much? Why, yes. Yes I am.
