Monday, February 25, 2019

Big Changes

I know.

I am the worst blogger in the history of bloggers.

I just flit in and out and leave you wondering for months on end if I am still alive.

I am, in fact, still alive.

We've had a few big changes around here in the past year.  The biggest one being this...

Not for Pork Chop.

This is for me.

I'm going back to college to finish the degree I began over 20 years ago. 

I don't mean to brag but...

I'm crushing it.

My super awesome cozy knitting spot has been transformed into a super awesome cozy learning spot.

And of course my cats are here to support me.

There's been a bit of a learning curve as I find my groove balancing kids, and the house, and school, and life, and knitting.  And just when I found my rhythm Spring Semester A is over.  In a few weeks I will start Spring Semester B with entirely different classes that will require an entirely different study schedule and an entirely different rhythm. 

But that's alright. 

The only constant in life is change?

But for the moment the kids are all in school.  The Greatest is at work.  It's just me and my animals.  Usually this is my study time.  While on break I had grand plans to get so much done, but The Queen generously shared her cold germs with me (fun fact, I only have half a tonsil.  My tonsils were removed when I was 15, but for some reason half a tonsil was left behind.  And it is currently swollen large enough to be three tonsils), so instead I am going to sit very quietly with a ginormous mug of tea and rest. 

I might even do some knitting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Mamma. I was thinking about you and Lily and the rest of the "neglected" kids. A baby picture of Lily that I stole (with kisses all over her) came up on my memories on Facebook. I miss the good old days reading about your family. Praying you are well.
