Monday, December 16, 2013

Post cards from the Trenches

You can all breathe easy.  The World's Cutest Baby is still super cute.  I love how round and full her tummy is in the picture.  She's so content she's even smiling in her sleep.  I loves her so much!

This may be our fifth baby, but this is the first time The Greatest has ever taken Paternity Leave.  Words can not express how much I love having him home.  And he is having the best time bonding with his baby.  As I type this he is playing music for his baby (she LOVES music) and dancing with her.  I love watching him be a good Daddy to his children.  He is The Greatest.  He is loving the bottle feeding.  (Man, there is a lot of loving going on in our house)  He even takes one of the middle of the night feedings so I can get more than two hours sleep in a row.  Unfortunately he doesn't tell me before hand that he is going to take that feeding he just quietly takes the baby and feeds her.  I then wake up in a panic, thinking I've missed her feeding, and I try to feed her a second time.  I think he needs to leave me a note on the counter when he feeds her.

And of course I have the obligatory Daddy/Baby sleeping on the couch photo.

I promised this was a photo for my private use only, not something for the blog.  So nobody tell him it is here ok?

The only downside to him being home is he has taken up baking.

So much baking.

At first it was his seven layer cookies.  They are heaven in a bar cookie.  Fortunately for me the kids ate most of them while I was at the NICU with The World's Cutest Baby (tm).

Then it was turtles.

He made ten dozen.  That is not a typo.  He made ten dozen.  One hundred and twenty yummy yummy turtles.  I eat at least two every time I get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby.

This is not good for my hips.

Or my thighs.

Today he made cookies.

Plain Sugar Cookies.

And Peppermint Sugar Cookies.

And another batch of Seven Layer Cookies.

This is not good for my butt.

I have a good friend who told me not to worry.  She assured me that this is why they have New Year's Resolutions.

She's not wrong.

In crafting news, my hands didn't stay still for long.  I had to bust out my crochet hooks for a custom order.

I also have a Knit Picks project to start/finish.  And I haven't even cast on for Sweet Pea's Weasley Sweater.

I need to figure out how to knit while I pump.

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