Monday, May 21, 2018

To Recap


I know it's been two months.  But in my defense Mama has been BUSY.  But now that the children are all out of school for summer things will slow down and I'm sure I'll find myself with some extra time on my hand on a regular basis.

Let's all take a moment to laugh really hard while I pretend that might even be the slightest teeniest tiniest little bit true.

Each "season" of life keeps getting louder, and busier, and crazier. 

And wonderful-er?

To summarize what's been happening...

Our current bad puppy but future good dog is getting huge, and these two are just as much trouble together as you think they are.

My sweet Bird graduated 8th grade and is now in high school.  (the picture is her kindergarden graduation vs 8th grade graduation.  I love that sassy confident kid!)

Speaking of high school

Pork Chop graduated high school!  (Pictured is her very first day of school and her very last day of school.)  I wish I had some pictures of graduation to show off but I got a tummy bug and spent a very unpleasant evening at home.  I missed her Valedictorian Speech.  I will never not be mad at the universe about that.  (I spend five minutes puzzling out that double negative and I think it says what I mean.  If not, you know what I mean.)

The boy is still the boy and refusing to be photographed.  

And this girl

 is still sweet as pie.

This guy

is still The Greatest.'re all caught up on the important stuff.

For Mother's Day The Greatest added a few upgrades to my back patio

If you need me I'll be out there...hopefully knitting.

1 comment:

Candyce said...

Looks like lots of good things are happening in your family! It's been a joy to see them growing and changing. Congrats to your two graduates! Um...but where is Meaty?