Friday, January 27, 2017

Leggings Don't Judge

So in keeping with my desire to feel more in love with my life I wore leggings.

And I loved them.

Leggings do not judge.

Of course when getting dressed leggings are only half of the equation.

An appropriate torso covering is required as well.

Today that appropriate torso covering emerged from the depths of The Abyss.

This yarn first appeared on my blog is June of 2015.  But that project was destined for failure.  I tried again in the fall of 2015 as part of the Joji Fall 2015 KAL.  I knit the sweater in time to qualify for the prize drawings and everything.  But instead of entering my finished object I threw it in the Abyss where it sat for a year and a half waiting for the ends to be woven in.

Cause procrastination and self sabotage are how I roll.

One of my least favorite parts of blogging is staging pictures of myself.  I decided to pose knitting on the couch.  But when I went to check the frame someone else decided she wanted to knit on the couch as well.

While the Queen possess many various talents, knitting is not in her skill set yet.

A quick intervention was required.

She was not pleased.

Look at that look she's giving me.

I love this tiny tornado.

I'm on the fence about this sweater.  It has everything I love.

Look at that texture.

The cables!  The ribbing!  The textured stitch!

I love the shape of the sweater

The slightly oversized body with the fitted sleeves.  The way the back dips a little lower than the front.

Usually the make or break factor for a sweater is the sleeve length.  Did I nail the perfect sleeve length?

I did.

Everything is there.  Everything I love is there.  I should be living in this sweater.

So why am I withholding my love?

The yarn,

It was acrylic yarn I bought at big lots.  Huge score getting a sweaters worth of yarn for five or six bucks.

It's even a lovely shade of grey.

I do love a good shade of grey.

I could get weird and maybe a little dirty here, but I won't.

My children might one day read this blog.

Back to the yarn: its not even a really bad acrylic.  It isn't scratchy.  Its holding its shape well.  I was kept warm in my sweater today.

It just feels weird.

And I can't come up with anything more specific than that.

I just feel weird when I wear the sweater.  Like the yarn robbed an ancient burial ground and is now being haunted by a vengeful spirit who is just biding its time watching and waiting and creeping me out before it makes its move.

I feel wrong in this sweater.

Also my neck bind off was almost too tight.

So there is that too.

I need to knit this pattern again.

In a natural fiber.

I may be turning into a yarn snob.

My leggins won't judge me if I do.

Thank goodness leggings don't judge.


Mattsmom said...

I love you! I love your blog!

katiemetzroth said...

Yea. You're probably right. That yarn totally robbed an ancient burial ground. (You're SO FUNNY!!!!! )