The summer was also filled with morning sickness for four months. Never having had morning sickness this strong before it was quite the experience. There were days I just laid in bed and prayed for death. But I am now feeling almost normal. As normal as a person can feel when they're growing another person, a tiny person with a fondness for kicking bladders. Frequent bladder pain not withstanding, I feel good.
During my hiatus I'm afraid I've forgotten how to blog. I know how to type, and how to upload pictures. But I've lost my groove. Forgotten my blogging voice. So if you will all just stand by while I ease back into blogging and find my footing again I would appreciate it. There is lots to see and share. It will just be a moment to figure out where to start.
First lets show some pictures from our recent trip back East. Notice how lush and green the background is. I really miss home sometimes.
Not to brag but The Greatest and I make beautiful children. If only they acted as sweet as they look.
Speaking of making beautiful children, I know what the newest project I'm making is going to be when it arrives. The Greatest is still hoping it will turn out to be a puppy. I'm afraid he is going to be sorely disappointed. I knit these tiny socks for the peanut. There will be only two feet, not four.
Anyone care to guess what color they are?