I snapped this photo this morning after she asked if she could take a picture and I reminded her that she broke the camera. You can see how bad she feels. Who can stay mad at that? Certainly not me.
On to the knitting...
I totally kicked the yarn's butt.
It wasn't even a photo finish. I totally smoked it!
Then I turned around and knit this for a friend.
Janelle was right, once you knit one of these everyone wants one. It's a good thing they're so fun to knit!
Then I spent over forty hours knitting this
Then to cleanse my palate from all that lace I knit this for Sweet Pea
She's just started oatmeal and needs something as pretty as she is to wash the oatmeal mess. If you look carefully through the blur you can see the hearts on it.
And I knit these for some friends
They are expecting their first child. We couldn't be happier for them.
And I've started knitting this
What can I say, I'm on a lace kick, and is there anything more feminine and romantic than white lace?
I've been a knitting machine! Careful observers will notice that while I have completed all this knitting I have failed to weave the ends in or block a single project. Bad knitter. I working under a bit of stress here. We've been waiting to find out something fairly large. Something fairly large, and good. But until we know for sure we're in limbo, and I hate limbo. I just want to make a plan and roll ahead with it. I hate spinning my wheels waiting. We all know how well I did a few summers ago when we were waiting to hear about the big job change/move (and by "how well I did" I really mean, "how well I didn't do"). So to pass the time I'm knitting with a vengence. Weaving ends and blocking just doesn't sooth my nerves, plus my blocking spot is currently housing Meaty's Geo-trax collection. I should try to take a picture, it seriously takes up the entire living room and hallway, it's threatening to grow into the kitchen. I've got to find that boy a different hobby. His train collection is larger than my yarn collection. But I digress. There's no point to my rambling really. Just knitting, feeding hungry baby oatmeal, and waiting, waiting, waiting.
Ooo...that skully hat is awesome. I love it with that pink.
you are a knitting machine. I lvoe it all. Lace is the bomb (did i just date myself??)
I love your lacey knitting. It is very pretty.
I hope your large thing comes through and it is really good!
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