Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Atleast he can aim

My son just turned two. I'm in no hurry to potty train him. I want to buy a steam cleaner first. But every week or so he decides to "Pee Potty." This entails him standing by the potty for five minutes, letting out three drops of pee, eating a celebratory chocolate chip, promptly followed by peeing a small lake on my floor (hence the need for a steam cleaner). Last night I heard the dreaded words "Pee Potty." And he followed the SOP: stand, trickle, chip. Then he went a good twenty minutes without peeing on the floor. I thought maybe we could skip this step tonight. Then I heard it, the steady stream hitting the floor, but it had a metallic ping to it. I look up and he had places one of his matchbox cars on the floor about a foot from where he stood and he was peeing on it. His aim was deadly with it's accuracy. I had been throwing cheerios into the toilet to give him something to aim at. Should I switch to matchbox cars? How would I explain that to the plumber who would invariably have to come an unclog my matchbox car clogged plumbing? And what did that match box car do to my son to deserve such treatment?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hysterical! As the mother of two boys m'self I can so appreciate that. Of course, one's not potty-trained yet........