Let's face it. It was looking a little, well, torqued? Is that a word? It was skewing to the side. Not really taking the back of a sweater shaped I'd hope the back of the sweater would take.
But I pressed on. I hoped that with a little seaming, a little steam, we could make this look like something. The seed stitch fabric was just soooo smooshy and wonderful. I still had high hopes. I knit the right front and was knitting my way up the left front...
Then I got cold.
I was quietly sitting. Quietly knitting on the couch. And I was cold.
I got up to reach for my current favorite I'm-cold-so-I'm-gonna-throw-this-on-on-top-of-whatever-I'm-wearing-because-it-goes-with-everything sweater(tm).
As I slipped my arms into the sleeves and pulled the sweater close around me I had an epiphany.
Now the sad but true reality is I never have good epiphanies. Never strokes of pure genius. Never an idea so revolutionary it improves my life and the lives of others and earns me a million dollars in the process. No. I'm just not that smart. My epiphanies tend to restrain themselves, preferring to live in the land where they manifest as mere realizations of horrible horrible truths about my life.
This one was no different.
The sweater I was knitting was a carbon copy in shape and color to the sweater I was wearing.
Sure, sure, there are a few differences, mostly the seed stitch, but the silhouette, and color, and collar, and sleeve length. Identical.
And my back-up I'm-cold-so-I'm-gonna-throw-this-on-on-top-of-whatever-I'm-wearing-because-it-goes-with-everything sweater(tm)?
Also a grey sweatshirt. Only this one has a hood.
I had to ask myself a few hard questions.
"Self" I queried "do you really want a third grey cardigan?"
"Do you really want to only be seen picking up the kids from school in different shades of grey day after day after day?"
"Is this really the only idea of fashion you know?"
"Self, do you really want to be that girl?"
I decided I did not.
(Can you spot the ball I wound all by myself vs the balls Bird "helped" me wind?)
I've been looking at pullover patterns instead.