Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Another Lame Update Post

I have a sad tale of woe to tell. It involved a cursed project that has been knit no less than four times in the past year. It is fascinating and tragic and ends with me drowing my sorrow with woe-cake. But I simply can not face it yet. My soul hurts to much to tell the tale. Instead I present to you lame updates on my knits.

The Socks:


Aren't they as cute as can be?! I just love the neat little twists.

This is what they looked like Friday night.


I'm to a point where I have decided the socks really need tried on for fit. So I'm going to mail them to the intended owner for a fitting. I'd rather find out now that they're too snug, too large, too twisted or too whatever now, as opposed to finding out after they're all knit with end neatly woven in.

My Other Brown Sweater (cause the first brown sweater is still waiting for needles):

It soaked in the bowl of water from Thursday until Monday *hangs head in shame*


Now the pieces are all beautiful and patiently awaiting seaming.

So now we've established that the socks could be knit no more after Friday,my brown sweater is still waiting for needles, and my other brown sweater spent the weekend taking a looooooong soak. So how did I spend my knitting time over the weekend?

I knit a Weasley Sweater.



Elozia Marie said...

So many cute projects! I'm sorry about your sad project ... it sounds like a story, when you're ready to tell :)

marit said...

No wonder you didn't have time to handle that brown sweater over the weekend;-)
Cute Weasley!!!

darlene mcleod said...

In a word: yes!! You are so busy; how you manage to get so much knitting done with four kids is a wonder. Definitely impressed.

shiguy4076 said...

holy cow. I can't believe how much you've been knitting. I love all the projects. Those socks are divine. DIVINE!!!!

Tammy said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I hated to say it but it needed to be said. I love the socks! Speaking of which, I think I'll do some knitting. :)