This was fine.
We enjoyed his company when he was home and we made the rest up as we went along. We discovered how nice it is to grocery shop on a Monday afternoon, the stores are delightfully empty but the produce choices can be sketchy. We also found out Thanksgiving can be served on Wednesday without the Holiday Police bashing down our door and confiscating the cranberry sauce. And did you know Santa will sometimes send an Elf to deliver presents a day early so Daddy can enjoy the joy of "Christmas Morning"?
All of this is fine and even fun. It all seemed to fit perfectly with the insanity that is the rest of our lives.
Isn't everyone else just making it up as they go along?
But lo and behold The Greatest got a promotion. He prefers to be addressed as "Detective" now, Thank You Very Much! I'm so proud of him. With this unexpected promotion came a very unexpected schedule change. Barring any dead bodies, or armed robberies, or other acts of criminal deviance, The Greatest is once again working Banker's Hours!
Home for dinner. Here for bath time. Bring on the lazy weekends.
A few hours spent working our children like house elves, then the rest of the day is all college football, grilled meat, too much junk food, video games, and of course, casting on for a new knitting project.
Because finishing old knitting projects on a lazy Saturday would feel too much like work.
I all to familiar with those hours.
Congrats to hubster for the job promo and your new weekends!
I'm happy for the promotion for him and you guys. But I hope you still grocery shop on MOndays. I HATE shopping on weekends.
Love the sweater--reminds me of candy corn!
I love that sweater. We make it up sometimes too. That's what life is all about. I love that the greatest is a detective. AWESOME!
Congrats! Hope it gives the family memories to remember.
Congratulations! I'm sure you're all really excited about the change.
Congratulations to the Greatest!
Getting weekends back to the family is good...
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