Monday, March 04, 2019

Searching for my Zen

Confession time:

I only started doing yoga so I would have an excuse to knit yoga socks.  

You can't blame me.  

Yoga socks are just so cute!

In fact I knit my first pair of yoga socks before I even started doing yoga.  I wanted to be prepared just in case that thought in the back of my head, that idea of "I wonder if I would like yoga", just in case that thought turned into action.  I needed to have specialized socks.  Just in case.  

Since then I have not only started doing yoga but I am in love with yoga.  I highly recommend Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube if you're looking for a place to start.  Her emphasis on enjoyment over perfect form speaks to my soul. The more turns I take around the sun, the more I am trying to let go of my perfectionist tendencies.  I think we can all agree trying to do something to the best of your abilities is better than doing nothing at all because you fear you can't do it PERFECTLY.  

And all of this is just a lengthy unnecessary explanation for why

I knit a pair of yoga socks.

People really underestimate how hard it is to take pictures of your own feet.

I tried for an artsy yoga pose

I only tried it once.

Then I went back to my standard sock poses

Then I tried to do some yoga.

Loki had other ideas.

Sitting on a yoga mat watching TV while you cuddle your napping dog is good for the soul too right?

Technical notes:

I think the pattern was Asana Yoga Socks.  The yarn was Eco Alpaca.  Yes, my yoga socks are fancy alpaca.  I'm living my very best life over here, cuddling my dogs, watching How to get away with murder from my yoga mat.  I wish I had knit the foot part just a teeny bit longer, but you don't want the socks to go under the ball of your foot (stability issues), so it is a fine line to walk and get perfect.  I didn't get the length perfect this time, but that's okay.  

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