Monday, December 15, 2008

So I got to thinking....

Upon further reflection of yesterday's post. I had an epiphany. Well, maybe epiphany is too strong a word. I had a flash of memory. From the depths of my swiss cheese brain a realization surfaced. I really am "that woman."

And it is well documented on my blog.

Examples can be found here, here, here, here, and here.

And those were just the ones off the top of my head. I was afraid to dig to deeply. Goodness knows what I might find. Instead I will give in to the truth before my very eyes. I will no longer fight it. But I will continue to mock it.

I am that woman.

And I am fine with that.

And I am sure that someday, after much therapy, my children will be fine as well.


Christy D. said...

It's Okay to be That Woman. It's better than being That Other Woman, whose kids are always dirty and dressed like they are homeless because there is not clean laundry....

Bezzie said...

Uh oh, I might be That Other Woman. The laundry is clean--but I just don't spend a lot of time on it ;-)

I remember wearing matching outfits with one of my sisters from time to time. And I turned out OK. Well except for that laundry laziness thing ;-)

Corrina said...

I am kind of that woman. It's not as much fun with boys. But I do have many a picture of them in matching outfits. (Uniforms do not count!)

Stephanie said...

awwww, it's ok! My grandmother was that woman, and my mother and her 3 other sisters and 2 brothers all turned out fine...they often recall their outfits and reflect on their childhoods. It's all good, don't fret over it, instead be happy that you can, others like me cannot!

shiguy4076 said...

I wish I had more of that woman in me. My kids always run around looking less than par. You know hair not brushed and no matching outfits. I love that you are that woman. :)