Once again we have been kept apart for far too long.
Life is so busy, but the good kind of busy.
The end of the school year came faster than I anticipated.
There are boo-boos to be kissed. And games to be played. And books to read. And hours to waste swimming in the pool. I spend the majority of my day playing drill Sargent overseeing the daily chores. But the upside of this is I no long start my day by making all the beds in the house. The only bed I make these days is my own. Even Sweet Pea makes her own bed (or sometimes she cons Pork Chop into making it for her, as long as I'm not the one making her bed either scenario works for me).
Life is busy, but it is also sweet.
Of course there is fighting, and bickering. And the kids argue too. Some days I want to throw them all out the window and we are only on week three of Summer Vacation. Things aren't always picture perfect. But they're close enough that in a few years the edges of my memory will be fuzzy and all I'll remember are the afternoons listening to Pork Chop belt out songs to Rock Band on the X-box while her siblings cheer her on (she spent hours vainly trying to beat my perfect score on "Dani California" which I earned on my first try thank you very much. I jokingly tell her I earned it cause me and the Chili Peppers go way back. I can't bring myself to tell her it was 25% skill, and 75% luck). I'll only remember the lazy days in the pool, followed by late night roasting anything we can spear on a stick over our fire pit. Afternoons Pork Chop and Meaty spent huddled together plotting their anti-zombie strategies (it is a real meeting of the minds). These are the memories I'm going to hold onto. I fully intend to block the more unpleasant memories from my mind.
All this to say Summer Vacation is in fully swing, and I've been busy.
But we, my dear blog, have gotten an upgrade!
I can now sit with this beautiful view and visit with you.
A generous gift, no longer am I tied to my desktop. No excuses now! I hope to spend the early morning here, enjoying the backyard before the heat of the day descends. Visiting with you my dear blog. Because there is so much to blog about.
I've got a finished knit.
If only I could get Sweet Pea to hold still long enough to model it.
I've got an almost finished knit that is all knit and just needs blocked.
I floves this so much (and no that is not a typo, that's a rather vulgar term that I've become enamored with and just can't resist. Sorry). Wait until you see it.
And I've got something loverly on the needles.
As well as the usual kid cuteness.
I know, I know, you've heard it all before. Promises that I'll be a better blogger, more consistent, more faithful.
I'm not here to make promises. I'm just here to try. And I'm rambling because typing on the laptop is just so much fun. I see many long winded posts in my future until the novelty of my brand new toy wears off. So cross your fingers. This could be fun!
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